[No copyright music] Epic/Dramatic "Ancestors Rise and Fight" - フリーBGM MOMIZizm MUSiC

Impression Japanese style music Majestic, Cinematic No copyright music Orchestra Series

[No copyright music] Epic/Dramatic "Ancestors Rise and Fight"

About this music

Comments, Review

The first part of the song begins with a melancholy Japanese tune, "SAMURAI HERO," but the atmosphere quickly changes to an evil one in the middle of the song. It ends with an intense and moving development that brings an epic battle to mind.

The evil atmosphere is based on the motif of the song "Cantata of Human Culling", and the climax of the song has a little bit of the melody of the song "Oath of the Ancestors".

♪Examples of Use

*The video plays from the scene where the BGM is used.

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